our guranteed departures

Best of Altai Tavan Bogd National Park
(6 days)
Best of Gobi Desert
(8 days)
The Genghis Khan's Birthplace
(8 days)
The Secrets of Gobi Desert and the Steppes of Central Mongolia
(10 days)
The Central Mongolia and Khovsgol Lake
(12 days)
Big Loop of Mongolia
(18 days)

National Parks close to Ulaanbaatar
(3 days)

Autumn Forest
Horse Milking
Nomad Family

Detailed description


Khustain Nuruu National Park

Today we will drive to Khustai National Park, home to Przewalski’s Horse (Equus ferus przewalskii, also known as the Takhi horses) is a rare and endangered subspecies of wild horse native to the steppes of central Asia. The Takhi became extinct in the middle of the 20th century. They then could only be found in the zoos. Special breeding programs increased their numbers. At one time extinct in the wild, it has been reintroduced to its native habitat in Mongolia at the Khustain Nuruu National Park, Takhiin Tal Nature Reserve and Khomiin Tal. Khustai Nuruu National Park was declared reserve status (category III) for over 50,000 hectares of the Khustain Nuruu area in 1993 but after significant scientific field researches into the area it was upgraded to a national park in 1998. Khustai Nuruu National Park is located about 100 km southwest from Ulaanbaatar. It protects today Mongolian’s Takhi wild horses. Today there are around 350 Takhi horses in Khustai.

The park is home to 459 species of vascular plants, 85 species of lichens, 90 species of moss and 33 species of mushrooms. 44 species of mammals have been recorded, including Red deer, Mongolian gazelle, Roe deer, Wild boar, Wild sheep, Ibex, Mongolian marmots, Grey wolves, Lynx, Pallas’ cat, Red fox, Corsac fox and Eurasian badger. The 217 species of birds include Golden eagle, Lammergeier, Great bustard, Whooper swan, Black stork, Daurian partridge and Little owl. There are 16 species of fish, 2 species of amphibians, and 385 species of insects (including 21 species of ants, 55 species of butterflies, 10 species of bush crickets and 29 species of grasshoppers).

After arrival at the camp of the Khustai Nuruu National Park we will meet the staff of the park and be introduced to the project. In the afternoon we will explore the beauties of the Park by jeep, on foot or on horseback.

(L, D)

Khustain Nuruu National Park Trip
Central Mongolia
Przewalski's horse

Gorkhi – Terelj National Park

In the morning we will leave for Terelj located about 80 km Northeast of Ulaanbaatar. It is part of Gorkhi-Terelj National Park. The park with its granite rocks, pine trees and river is a picturesque area that is perfect for hiking, horse riding or just sit back, relax and enjoy the view.

We will visit several sightseeing places in the area.

Our first stop will be the Genghis Khan Monument. The Genghis Khan Monument is a vast aluminium monument of Genghis Khan on his horse. It’s possible to climb to the top of the monument from where you have a gear view of the surrounding area. There is a little museum that explains Mongol empire history.

After visiting the monument, we will be driving further into the park and stop at 100 monks cave. This small cave was once used by 100 monks as hiding place during communist persecution. You can see the cave wall blackened as a result of fire and smoke.

We will visit further Turtle rock and Aryaval meditation monastery at foot of mountain. There are good possibilities for hiking, climbing, horseback riding or, for those who are not afraid of the cold water, swimming. You can try canoeing if water level and current make it possible.

(B, L, D)

Gorkhi Terelj National Park
National Park Mongolia

Zuunmod/Manzushir Monastery to Ulaanbaatar

Today we will leave for Zuunmod, capital city of Tov aimag (province). After about two hours driving we will arrive in the centre of this small administrative town. We will walk around and visit the Central Province Museum. This museum gives a good summary of local geology, flora and fauna.

After our visit we will continue to Manzushir Monastery. The monastery is located 8 km from Zuunmod in Boghdkhan National Park. The surroundings are beautiful and peaceful rolling hills covered with pine and cedar trees. The place is dotted with granite formation creating a mystical atmosphere. We can understand why monks settled here to live their religious life.

The monastery was established in 1733 and included more than 20 temples and 350 monks. Tragically, it was destroyed during the Stalinist purges of 1937. We will spend the afternoon hiking around the ruins of the Monastery. We will see the two-tonne bronze cauldron and pay a visit to the small monastery museum. The courageous will walk up the hill behind the main monastery and enjoy the great view on the valley.

The monastery overlooks a beautiful valley of streams, pine, birch and cedar trees dotted with granite boulders. At the end of the afternoon we will drive back to Ulaanbaatar.

(B, L)

National Parks around Ulaanbaatar
Manzushir Monastery Tour

Option: Family Stay and Horse Riding

The family lives close to a river in the wide open Mongolian steppes. We will experience the warm hospitality offered by the Mongolian families. For dinner we will be offered a typical Mongolian barbeque that will be prepared by nomads. Those who want will have the opportunity to try the “airag” or fermented mare milk if your travel dates fall within right season.  Our guide – translator will help us to forge contact with the local population.

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